Printed by Imprimerie Chaix, Paris, 1898.
Presented in 16 x 20 in. acid free, archival museum mat, with framing labels. Ready to frame. Shipped boxed flat via Fedex.
Certificate of Authenticity.
"An exceptionally dapper gentleman, boutonniere, stickpinned cravat, watch chain, waxed mustache, monocle, pinkie ring, sort of a German version of Hercule Poirot. He watches with great pleasure and satisfaction as the smoke rises from his excellent Turkish cigarette. His table and chair are the latest Weiner Werkstätte style, in fact the whole poster design reflects that type of grid. But then, what else would you expect from a man whom the poster labels 'The Connoisseur" (Der Kenner) Rehm was a prolific illustrator and poster artist working in his native Munich"